This was a fun week for Adventure Time! After the shock and awe of last week’s season opener, a lighter episode felt like a renewal. Everything felt fun. Except for the Banana Guard’s crippling insecurity and all those times James died.
Oh, James. When first we met, we thought you were a saboteur. Then you sacrificed yourself and became a Goo-Monster. Then you were a clone with a medal. Now, you’re sacrificing yourself again and Princess Bubblegum is kinda sick of it.
Andy Merrill voices James again as a mash-up that’s part Brak, part Michael Winslow, but always funny. James II has become quite adept at sacrificing himself for Bubblegum. Each time James II dies, the princess clones him, gives him a medal, then the process starts over. She’s had it. It’s time to mourn James and, finally, move on.
Jake and Finn make a shocking discovery back at James’ house: he faked his own death! 25 times! James is having such a wonderful time in his own company that he can’t help himself. Plus, there’s medals. Medals are always cool.
For a change, Finn and Jake take to sidelines and we all share a great time as Bubblegum finds the clones. They come pouring out of James’ apartment like an overturned clown car.
Bubblegum is furious and charges the Banana Guard to round up James clones.
Finn and Jake are us, the audience, watching the Princess explain cloning to the leader of the Banana Guard. Who doesn’t get it. At all. But he understands the loneliness of being an individual among others of his kind. Again, this show wraps some pretty psychologically disturbing things into a colorful, cheery package.
The show becomes a door-comedy at this point with the various James clones attempting to outwit the Banana Guard. Neither force are properly armed for a battle of wits and it’s a shambles. I was just knocked over when the Jameses construct a Rube Goldberg device to what? Ensnare the Banana Guard? Something. We never find out because the hastily built “Mousetrap” falls apart before it can start. Awkward and hilarious!
Remember the bit about Original James becoming a toxic Goo-Monster? He’s crawled out of a hole and is making a gooey trek back to Candy Kingdom.
As the Candy Kingdom is attacked and Princess Bubblegum faces death by melting yuck, James sacrifices himself to save her life! Again! 25 times, even! Into a big, melted puddle of Jameses…es.
But wait! Now all of the various James have merged into one giant Mega-James!! And they receive medals!!
Then Mega-James is sent out into the desert to die.
Good times!
Tremendous episode!
And forget what I said about this being “lighter” in tone. It was peppered with harsh realities.