The most patriotic superhero makes it to the small screen in not one, but TWO television movies! The 70’s were the pinacle of superhero exploits on television. They just kept coming. Fans were treated to the first live-action appearance of Captain America since his serial adventures in the 40’s.
Reb Brown stars as Steve Rogers a former Marine and aspiring artist, who’s given a real funky experimental steroid serum and before he knows it he’s the ultimate soldier.
Taking on his father’s old nickname of ‘Captain America’ and wearing a costume based on one of his sketches he agrees to work with the government to stop bad guys who threaten the safety of our country.
He gets assistance from Dr. Simon Mills (Len Birman) the biochemist and intelligence official who provides Steve with a tricked out motorcycle and a shield made from “jet-age plastics” that will help in his fight against evildoers everywhere!
Co-starring Connie Selleca, Christopher Lee, Heather Menzies-Urich and Steve Forrest how does Captain America and Captain America II: Death Too Soon hold up? Is all the criticism the films have gotten from fans warranted or are they simply misunderstood gems that were great for their time?
This article originally appeared on John’s site Haphazard Stuff. For more original content, also check out his blog here.