Friends, I come to you today with an urgent plea regarding our children and our young people. Hollywood, that bastion of all sin, a known agent of Satan himself, seeks to shake the very pillars of our communal morality with their latest criminal comic book cocktail of seductive cinema, The Guardians of the Galaxy! I can tell you right now friends that these are no guardians of MY galaxy! That honor is saved for One, and only One, the highest power known to man, Jesus Christ! Glory to His name!
Since its inception, science fiction has been one of Satan’s greatest recruitment tools, winning young people over to the concepts of “evil”ution and a Godless universe. Comic books and “sci-fi” ignite the dangerous fires of imagination, which can lead to rebelliousness, pre-marital sexual relations and even that greatest of transgressions- intellectual atheism. We will not stand for the hearts and minds of our children to be corrupted by provocative tales of intergalactic travel and adventure!
You may say to yourself “But Reverend Barraclough, this is all just harmless fantasy and fun, surely the principles we have instilled in our young people will guide them safely through a matinee screening?”
How I wish that it were so!
For you see friends, Hollywood will stop at nothing to corrupt our youth, weaving their insidious propaganda into this latest summer blockbuster under the sorcerous cloak of malevolently deceptive special effects and pernicious high octane action! Allow me to elucidate a portion of their nefarious plan by introducing you to the cast of characters starring in this execrable slice of “sin”ema…
One would not expect to see pagan influence creeping into science fiction, yet here we have it. As I warned in my discussion of The Lord of the Rings, the “living tree” is a clear indicator of black magic, Wicca, folk music, the occult and New Age influences. The nature worshippers have found their champion in this Groot, who is often seen in the company of the raccoon character- flora and fauna given voice and form in a bedevilment bent on drawing in children with their cartoonish and comedic antics.
Rocket Raccoon
What does the Bible tell us of talking animals? Think back upon the Garden and Satan’s deception to know that only lies are spoken from the mouth of this anthropomorphized imp. All manner of sin, from swearing to murder to bestiality, are implied in the form of this reprobate raccoon, packaged as a cute and cuddly space cop meant to charm and beguile our children. This is no Walt Disney creation! Rather a powerful general in Satan’s army dispatched to lure our most innocent lambs to the destruction of their everlasting souls!
Drax The Destroyer
This character’s very origin is a perversion of The Ressurection itself. Arthur Douglas, brought back to life in the form of Drax The Destroyer, in a body crafted by a “higher intelligence” and sent to avenge his murder! It’s the life of Christ as seen through some twisted carnival mirror! No redemption will be found here. Murderous and violent, he walks shirtless and hulking, covered in lascivious tattoos, his form rippling with muscle like some sort of poster boy for the homosexual agenda.
Surely it is no coincidence that this she-devil’s name is shorthand for those lands condemned to fire and brimstone by God’s divine judgment? Sodom and Gommorah may have fallen, but here the comic-book peddlers of perversion and the Hollywood pimps have teamed up to bring them back in the form of this depraved seductress! Her backstory involves collusion with the demonic Thanos and she is a frequent enemy of an order known as the Universal Church of the Truth. It doesn’t take a Bible scholar to see this one is bad news! Mothers, keep your sons away from this wicked succubus and her fleshly temptations!
Blasphemy right in his name! That the character of Peter Quill is better known by the name “Starlord” should stand the very hackles of your soul on edge! Friends, can we let our children be exposed to such a false idol? Does not the first of The Ten Commandments exhort us “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”? And that this character be the product of a union between woman and alien, a repugnant half-breed surely of the Devil born, we can have no doubt as to his demonic nature and intent. Do not let your children fall prey to his ample charm, this is no “space hero” but rather an aspect of Satan himself given form, striving to supplant Christ in the hearts of our young people via the box office and comic book page!
I implore you, get yourself and your family as far away from the influence of this film as you can come opening day on August 1st! Set aside that day to pray for the souls of the thousands, perhaps millions, who will fall under the sway of this toxic sci-fi Satanism! Stay strong my friends, strong in your faith and conviction, and may God have mercy upon us all!