I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little disappointed with how the cliffhanger from last week was resolved. If you remember, Sam (Jared Padalecki) was unconscious with a concussion (Oy! More head trauma!) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) had a broken leg. The brothers Winchester were in an ambulance on their way to Leviathan General Hospital and things were looking very bleak.
Well, don’t worry. That threat is effectively bypassed by a quick rescue by an extremely dapper, and not dead at all, Bobby (Jim Beaver), who slips the boys out the back door just as Dr. Sexy Leviathan (Cameron Bancroft) and henchmen realize the boys are even in the hospital. You know, after they’ve been checked in, fixed up, and safely ensconced in hospital rooms for hours.

Seems their brief time in Cas’ head was long enough to reveal all of their Rock N Roll aliases, so when Lemmy Kilmister buys supplies and a newspaper at a convenience store in Montana, Leviathan is alerted and trouble is on the way.
But more about that later.

Structurally, “The Girl Next Door” jumps back and forth between Sam in the present day and Sam as a child (Colin Ford) as he revisits an incident from his youth. You see, the reason that Sam has always been a little more lenient toward monsters is because his first kiss was with one. Okay, okay. It’s also because the cute little girl monster he kissed, saved his life by killing her own mother.

In a double-whammy of sci-fi geekiness, grown-up Amy is played by Jewel Staite of Firefly and Serenity and she’s running around using Amy Pond as her assumed name. Touches like that are why I love this show.
The real crux of the episode lies in the conflict that Sam faces when confronted with the reasons behind Amy’s sudden murderous inclinations. She’s been living for years as a mortician, which allows her access to the brains of the already deceased, keeping herself from starving to death without actually hunting and killing anyone. But when her son gets sick, fresh brains are the only thing that will save him.
So she plans on hunting low-lifes and criminals until he’s better.
And Sam, while troubled, is okay with that.
Unfortunately, Dean is not.

That’s not something new for Supernatural fans, of course.
A season where Dean doesn’t doubt Sam’s intentions is a rarity (has that ever happened?), but this time, Dean goes behind Sam’s back and murders Amy. And in a remarkably dickish move (and one echoing a nice moment from Kill Bill, Volume One), he leaves her son alive, the only witness, vowing revenge.
It’s not entirely rational and pushes Dean’s character over into a much darker place than he’s been for a while. But it works emotionally. Especially since it’s starting to look like it’s not Sam’s mental problems that will become the focus of the season, but Dean’s.

After the hospital escape, it seems Sam and Dean are Leviathan Target Number One, and they have subordinates tasked specifically to watch for them. In the final moments of the show, the subordinate who spotted credit card usage shows up at the convenience store and, in a suitably creepy moment, murders the cashier by pouring boiling cheese over his head. And then he eats him.
Even Leviathans love the artery-clogging goodness of molten cheese.
So while this episode didn’t really push the obvious main story forward very much, it provided a very insightful and well-structured look into Sam’s past. And hell, naming your monster Amy Pond knocks it up half a bullet, regardless of the rest of the episode’s quality.