Shane Black is going back home to revive the dormant franchise with The Predator, a big-budget sequel/reboot that aims for the stars and falls far, far too short.
Before we see how Bernthal's take on the character plays out, we thought we'd take a look at the long and varied history of The Punisher in the comics and on film.
“Critical Mass” will be remembered because it’s the one that delivers a satisfying payoff to the central plot threads that The Expanse did a masterful job in building.
The main players in The Expanse have been separated by the vastness of space, but the show has been setting up their eventual collision course all series long.
“Remember the Cant” is a pivot point in The Expanse. It’s an episode where an otherwise simple premise and one-dimensional mystery suddenly turns into something more.
There’s nothing like a good bottle story to ratchet up the tension and really test the mettle of all involved and The Expanse features a great one in “The Big Empty.”