Living Among Us explores a reality in which vampires have been shown to exist after a documentary filmmaker exposes blood banks for feeding the mythological monsters.
It’s a little late to deepen the mysteries of a confusing, frustrating season, but I suppose signs could indicate the final four episodes will be a sustained blast.
Ah, here’s that feeling again. That feeling that usually comes in the first third of a season (here not until after the halfway point) of things clicking into place.
All the titles this season are quotes from past episodes, by the way, which sort of lets you know how the show is going about nailing its final season.
The rest of the episode was slightly better, because it focused on the one romantic bright spot of recent seasons, the surprisingly hot love affair between Bonnie and Enzo.
The characters are strong, they have great chemistry, and there are genuine moments of tenderness and sadness mixed in with the vulgar humor and monster fighting.