With a title like “I Love You, Goodbye”, you might be forgiven for agreeing with Elijah, who watches over Klaus like a fretful mother hen (or parole officer) all day, warning him not to kill Jackson after he weds Hayley. Elijah suspects Klaus of ulterior motives (usually a safe approach), so Klaus’ satisfied smirk when his big reveal is that Jackson and Hayley are welcome to move into his home as husband and wife is well-earned.
Of course that means Elijah has to move out, since Hayley finally tells him she has chosen Jackson for real (and even better, she tells Jackson she has loved him since first sight, when he showed up at her door in wolf-form). Elijah (who always must have a project, as Marcel well knows) decides to go train Marcel’s baby-vamps, as requested weeks ago.
The elder wolf-grandma says (while officiating the ceremony) they’ve decided to embrace Hayley’s vampire side, so it’s forgiveness and acceptance all around today. Except maybe for Aiden and Josh, who have a fight over how powering up the werewolves (the marriage will allow them to change at will, regardless of lunar events) just puts Josh in more danger, but I wouldn’t worry. Jackson apparently accepted Aiden’s lifestyle long ago, so the vampire boyfriend thing is hardly a blip. It’d be nice if people besides Davina started realizing how cool Josh is.
It’s all to make Hope safer, so Klaus admitting her status to his new army (and it’s a cool moment when all the wolves get glowy golden eyes right after the vows) of guardians is a major step for everyone involved. But really all they’d have to do is meet the child, as she literally is the cutest baby ever on TV. She’s very responsive, stepping all over Hayley’s lines and reaching out spontaneously towards Jackson when she meets him. Cami is already bonded to her for life, as is Elijah, and we’ve seen her manifest powers and awareness of her own, so I’m almost not worried about Dalia and her vaguely sinister threats at all.
I mean, whatever they were, Freya survived them and is strong enough to raise Vincent back to life in the morgue. He however did succeed in killing Kol, which is a shame because the witch version was so much better than the vampire one, and he was even mostly decent to Davina, who is inconsolable over his passing. Sister Beks promises to consecrate his burial as a witch, which means his soul will be tethered to N’Orleans and can be called back to life at some point.
Funniest moment of all comes from Hayley’s wry comment, while accepting one of Becks’ several unneeded wedding dresses from over the years, that her avowal that she’d always be a Mikaelson anyway would be a great compliment, “if it didn’t link me to quite so many homicidal lunatics.” That’s the Phoebe Tonkin who used to spin so much attitude before all the lovey-dovey-motherhood stuff. While I appreciate the softer side, it’s always nice to see the fire underneath.