Brian K. Millard is many things; a film fan and a filmmaker, a writer who hates to read, a sarcastic prick who’s somehow super lovable. He typically has a beard at the bottom of the front of his head, and he wears hats. Most of his clothes are black, but he's not goth, just really lazy, and that style makes it easy to get dressed in the dark. He's a recent transplant to Los Angeles from New Jersey, so if anyone knows of any “real” pizza places in the LA area PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let him know where he can find them! He misses pizza so much… Oh, and if anyone he knows from Jersey is reading this, he guesses he misses you too. But, now he's in LA, and he's an actor, writer and filmmaker, best known for borrowing money from people while explaining to them that he needs it because he's an actor, writer and filmmaker. They also shouldn’t expect to get it back right away, mom, but he's working on it. He lives to entertain, which is ironic because he really doesn’t like people in general. So… there’s that.