Paul Brian McCoy is the Editor-in-Chief of Psycho Drive-In. His first novel, The Unraveling: Damaged Inc. Book One is available at Amazon US & UK, along with his collection of short stories, Coffee, Sex, & Creation (US & UK). He recently contributed the 1989 chapter to The American Comic Book Chronicles: The 1980s (US & UK). He also kicked off Comics Bulletin Books with Mondo Marvel Volumes One (US & UK) and Two (US & UK) and PDI Press with Marvel at the Movies: 1977-1998 (US & UK), Marvel at the Movies: Marvel Studios (US & UK), and Spoiler Warning: Hannibal Season 1 - An Unauthorized Critical Guide (US & UK). Paul is also unnaturally preoccupied with zombie films and sci-fi television. He can be found babbling on Twitter at @PBMcCoy.
Captain America was the first of Marvel's characters to get a second chance with what is, essentially, a hard reboot that completely ignores both of the television movies that came before.
The question is, if Merle comes back for future episodes (and with an actor of Michael Rooker's caliber, I can only assume that he will), can they do something to make him more of a real character.
Given the expense and the subject matter, I don't think a Doctor Strange straight from the comics page would have clicked. Of course, this version didn't either.