The Psycho Drive-In All-Stars now have some things to say about the latest film in one of Hollywood’s most enduring and important science fiction franchises.
Maybe “impact” is a good term to use to characterize the show as a whole. It’s never didactic or patronizing, it manages to maintain relevance without being too zeitgeisty.
More than this, the time-travelling and dimension-hopping address something that fans of The Flash know well: Flash is secretly the most powerful character in the DC Universe.
The Neon Demon is a film that delights in presenting questions it has no intention of answering, of telling you a story you only think you’ve heard before.
So settle back, pour a drink, and relax as Dave Hearn, Adam Barraclough, and Lexi Wolfe have a spoilery-as-fuck discussion about Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice!