Inviting organized, militant religion into your politics is always a good idea isn’t it, Game of Thrones?
Cersei continues to play the game but she isn’t aware that she’s already beaten. Any influence or control she enjoyed died with her father. The small council is out of her control, Tommen’s only thoughts are created from below his waist and her only protector is on his way south to Dorne. There is a saying in poker that if you look around the table and can’t figure out who the sucker is; it’s you. Fold while you can, Cersei.
Jonathan Pryce makes a happy addition to the cast as the High Sparrow, reluctant head of the aforementioned militant religion. His character is humble, affable and pious but I just don’t trust a guy who gives away his shoes, believe me, something wicked this way comes.
Was that respect I saw in the eyes of Alliser Thorne this week when Jon Snow named him First Ranger? Jon was wise to ignore Stannis’ advice on leadership (again, refer to my earlier comment about militant religion in politics) and give a position of power to Thorne. Yes, Thorne is a pain in the ass, but you’ll want him at your back when Winter comes. Even wiser was Jon’s swift treatment of Slynt. Remember, Janos Slynt was the commander of the City Watch in King’s Landing and the man who turned on Eddard Stark, giving him up to Joffrey’s judgment. Jon’s Father taught him that the leader who passes a judgment of death should be the one to swing the sword. Lesson learned.
What kind of a world is it when Tyrion Lannister can’t go whoring?? It seems the flesh is willing but the spirit shrinks. Strangle one hooker and your career is ruined! But, isn’t that true for all of us? Tyrion did get his other wish, though. He finally got away from Varys and the mobile home. Let’s see if Jorah Mormont provides better company or lodgings. My guess is, no.
Arya Stark couldn’t quite give herself up to the Many Faced God. To become faceless she must become faceless and that means leaving Arya Stark in the past. Needle is just too precious for her to abandon. The battle between Arya’s need for vengeance and her responsibility to serve will be interesting to watch this season.
How many times has Sansa Stark been engaged? Man, she’s going to WISH she was still betrothed to Joffrey! Ramsay Bolton is NOT a nice person. Sure Joffrey made one “companion” beat another to death with a mace but he at least let them keep their skin. On the bright side, she will be going back to Winterfell. As she was told, “the North remembers” perhaps Sansa can finally begin playing her own game. In this subplot, the series is moving even further from the books, but I believe the result will be the same.
Hey. We’re three episodes in and we haven’t seen Bran yet. Hmmmm.