David Black: Carnies, Carnage, and the Creative Chaos of Darkness Visible Interviews March 7, 2017 223
An Analysis of Robin Hood and Zorro: What Our Folk Heroes Can Tell Us about Ourselves (Part Three: Robin Hood vs. Zorro) Thom V. Young Spontaneous Quixote June 4, 2015 0 2I’ve presented impressions of Robin Hood as a English folk hero and Zorro as an American pulp hero. Now it’s time to bring them together.
An Analysis of Robin Hood and Zorro: What Our Folk Heroes Can Tell Us about Ourselves – (Part Two: Zorro) Thom V. Young Spontaneous Quixote April 23, 2015 0 8So . . . in this corner, wearing black from hat to boot and portrayed by Tyrone Power, please give a warm Psycho Drive-In welcome to Zorro!
An Analysis of Robin Hood and Zorro: What Our Folk Heroes Can Tell Us about Ourselves – (Part One: Robin Hood) Thom V. Young Spontaneous Quixote April 2, 2015 3 5I finally decided to send Robin Hood and Zorro to their separate corners of the ring and present each in his own column.
Parallel Universes and Temporal Anomalies: Addressing the Faults in Our Stories and in Ourselves Thom V. Young Spontaneous Quixote March 19, 2015 3 1I remember the first time I encountered the concept of parallel universes.
Resurrecting and Redeeming The Dead Girl in Ourselves: A Guide for Living Thom V. Young Spontaneous Quixote March 5, 2015 1 21Despite me “spoiling” many of the various plot points, The Dead Girl is a film worth seeing as a contemporary masterpiece of modern cinema.
The Searchers: A Quaint and Polite Film about Racism, Rape, and Remorse Thom V. Young Spontaneous Quixote February 26, 2015 0 9An updated remake of The Searchers that openly shows the story’s physical brutality and emotional cruelty would make for an excellent film.
HBO’s The Newsroom: Aaron Sorkin’s Attempt to Bail Water Out Faster than It’s Coming In Thom V. Young Spontaneous Quixote February 19, 2015 0 5When HBO began producing The Newsroom two years ago, I watched it to see if it would cover the concepts I hoped it would.
Freedom Is Sometimes Uncomfortable: A Response to the Film Howl Thom V. Young Spontaneous Quixote February 12, 2015 3 5It’s important to keep in mind that living within a democratic system means sometimes being uncomfortable with the freedoms we have.
We Are All Victims of the Modern Age: Ruminations on A Clockwork Orange Thom V. Young Spontaneous Quixote February 8, 2015 1 7Those of us who regularly consume media beautifying & romanticizing violence become more like Alex at the beginning of A Clockwork Orange.
Spontaneous Quixote: Introduction and Exposition Thom V. Young Spontaneous Quixote February 5, 2015 0The Quixote part of the name is about the content; from the notion that writing this column is some sort of quixotic mission that I am on.