This was probably the best Blacklist episode I’ve seen so far. Why? Because in one episode they address Lucy Brooks/Jolene Parker in addition to potentially validating Reddington’s warnings about Tom Keen. Furthermore, through the villainous plot this week we are given a brief glimpse into the past of Assistant Director Harold Cooper.
This week’s story involves blacklist character “The Judge” (Dianne Wiest). There is a myth that after inmates have exhausted all options, they have the ability to appeal to “The Judge” who will consider their plea and potentially issue justice where they see justice is needed. In this particular instance inmate Alan Ray Rifkin (Trevor Long) who has been sentenced to death for a terrorist act he claims he did not commit.
Rifkin seeks revenge on Harold Cooper who was the investigating officer on the case and was told by the federal prosecutor to physically force a confession from Rifkin. He was successful and Rifkin was charged, incarcerated and sentenced to death. Cooper’s life is in danger when Rifkin’s sentence is carried out. Elizabeth Keen and company must work quickly to find Cooper and stop “The Judge.”
Elizabeth Keen and her character development took a backseat in this episode and finally we delve into the past of Harold Cooper. Really, I think this episode is long overdue. We now know two things about Harold Cooper. Cooper has a long history with the FBI with experience in the Middle East, and he will do what he believes is necessary and right even if it crosses ethical boundaries. Hopefully they won’t drop this story line and will pursue it further so to develop Cooper’s character.
As for Lucy Brooks aka Jolene Parker, Reddington has her past investigated to find that she is after someone or something big. At the same time the audience discovers that Reddington’s warnings about Tom Keen may have been valid this whole time. At the end of the episode when Brooks tries to seduce Tom, he says “I can’t do this. I love my wife.” Brooks responds with “Wrong answer. Elizabeth Keen is not your wife she’s your target.” Tom retorts, “What is this? Did they send you? Really? To what, test me? I told you that I was in love with her because that is exactly what I’m supposed to be. That is my job.” End episode.
This brings a thousand questions to the forefront. Who is Tom working for? Who is Brooks working for? How is Elizabeth Keen involved? I get excited just thinking about the possibilities.
Regardless of where they take the next episode, this week was fantastic. It ended on the cusp of every answer that viewers have been waiting for and will ensure that everyone comes back to watch next week. I only hope that they shed more light on Brooks and Tom Keen’s role in this, and perhaps explain that house Red had blown up.
Until next time folks!