David Black: Carnies, Carnage, and the Creative Chaos of Darkness Visible Interviews March 7, 2017 223
ABCs of Death (2013) Nick Hanover, Paul Brian McCoy MoviesReviews February 5, 2013 1 15Paul and Nick decide to tackle each and every one of the mostly excellent shorts collected in the epic horror anthology ABCs of Death.
10 Favorite Films of 2012 Danny Djeljosevic, Dylan Garsee, Nick Hanover, Paul Brian McCoy, Shawn Hill We Got Lists January 11, 2013 0 1Five of CB's film writers sat down to talk about their 10 favorite films of 2012. Surprisingly, no fights broke out.
Top Ten Ends of the World Daniel Elkin, Jamil Scalese, Nick Hanover, Paul Brian McCoy, Zack Davisson We Got Lists December 21, 2012 0Maybe this End of the World thing ain't so bad after all.
Top Ten Horror Films 2000 and Beyond Danny Djeljosevic, Dylan Garsee, Laura Akers, Nick Hanover, Paul Brian McCoy We Got Lists October 31, 2012 0This was the start of something big for zombie enthusiasts the world over.
Top Ten Horror Films 1990s Danny Djeljosevic, Dylan Garsee, Laura Akers, Nick Hanover, Paul Brian McCoy, Shawn Hill We Got Lists October 24, 2012 0It was a brutal job; friendships were ruined; marriages crumbled; at least one writer sold their soul (or so I'm told).
Top Ten Horror Films 1980s Danny Djeljosevic, Dylan Garsee, Laura Akers, Nick Hanover, Paul Brian McCoy, Shawn Hill, Steve Morris We Got Lists October 17, 2012 1I have a special category of film: “That was truly great. I never want to see it again.”
Top Ten Horror Films 1970s Danny Djeljosevic, Dylan Garsee, Laura Akers, Nick Hanover, Paul Brian McCoy, Steve Morris We Got Lists October 11, 2012 1It's pure nightmare sauce.
Top Ten Horror Films Pre-1970 Danny Djeljosevic, Dylan Garsee, Laura Akers, Nick Hanover, Paul Brian McCoy, Shawn Hill, Zack Davisson We Got Lists October 7, 2012 0And now, read on...if you dare!
Breaking Bad 5.04 “Fifty-One” Nick Hanover, Paul Brian McCoy ReviewsTV August 10, 2012 0 1Never get between a man and his cats. Or his meth.
Breaking Bad 5.03 “Hazard Pay” Nick Hanover, Paul Brian McCoy ReviewsTV August 1, 2012 0If God watched Breaking Bad, God would have a crush on Mike.
Breaking Bad 5.02 “Madrigal” Nick Hanover, Paul Brian McCoy ReviewsTV July 26, 2012 0If you want to set up your super villain as the lesser of two evils, it can't hurt to throw a bunch of rich Germans at him.
Breaking Bad 5.01 “Live Free or Die” Nick Hanover, Paul Brian McCoy ReviewsTV July 22, 2012 0 2Magnets, bitch!
Boardwalk Empire 2.03 “A Dangerous Maid” Jamil Scalese, Nick Hanover ReviewsTV October 14, 2011 0 1Since it's now become tradition, let's kick this off with a look at the current Nucky prognosis.
Boardwalk Empire 2.02 “Ourselves Alone” Jamil Scalese, Nick Hanover ReviewsTV October 8, 2011 0Nucky makes it out of his jail cell, but Chalky is left behind and has to deal with a brash young fellow who doubts his reading abilities.
Boardwalk Empire 2.01 “21” Jamil Scalese, Nick Hanover ReviewsTV October 1, 2011 0Nucky faces a lot of insurrection among some of his most trusted people.
Misfits “Christmas Special” & “Vegas Baby” Felicity Gustafson, Nick Hanover ReviewsTV September 25, 2011 0I figured at some point they'd lose them. Selling them hadn't really occurred to me.
Misfits 2.05 & 2.06 Felicity Gustafson, Nick Hanover ReviewsTV September 3, 2011 0In the last two episodes of Misfits' second season, Kelly falls in love with a true wild man while Nathan gets killed for peeping in on a girl.
Misfits 2.04 Felicity Gustafson, Nick Hanover ReviewsTV August 22, 2011 0Meet Ollie. He’s an environmental protester starting his community payback. And guess what? He has a power!
Misfits 2.03 Felicity Gustafson, Nick Hanover ReviewsTV August 17, 2011 0Our group of misfits learn why tattoo's are B-A-D and peanut allergies are worse all while Alisha and Super Hoodie get cozy.
Misfits 2.01 & 2.02 Nick Hanover, Paul Brian McCoy ReviewsTV August 11, 2011 0Super Hoodie is the shit.