David Black: Carnies, Carnage, and the Creative Chaos of Darkness Visible Interviews March 7, 2017 223
Double-Shot Review: Justice League (2017) Nate Zoebl, Sean Reid Movies November 16, 2017 0"The short version of this review is, simply, go see Justice League." VS "Aggressively bland, lazy, and unmemorable, I was genuinely left questioning whether Justice League was somehow worse because it wasn’t worse."
First Looks… Second Thoughts: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Ben Goldman, Rick Shingler, Sean Reid First Looks... Second ThoughtsTrailers October 21, 2015 1It all FELT like Star Wars. It SOUNDED like Star Wars, and for 2 minutes and 35 seconds, it WAS Star Wars.
Arrow 3.14 “The Return” Sean Reid ReviewsTV February 25, 2015 0This week's Arrow asks, “How many people can Oliver Queen lose before there is no more Oliver Queen?”
Arrow 3.13 “Canaries” Sean Reid ReviewsTV February 18, 2015 0I would argue that we didn’t see a brother and his younger sister so much as we saw the dawn of Green Arrow and Speedy.
Arrow 3.12 “Uprising” Sean Reid ReviewsTV February 11, 2015 0You know, for an episode of Arrow that marked Oliver’s return, very little about it had to do with Oliver.
Arrow 3.11 “Midnight City” Sean Reid ReviewsTV February 4, 2015 0"Midnight City" marks the reformation of Team Arrow.
Arrow 3.10 “Left Behind” Sean Reid ReviewsTV January 27, 2015 0Arrow didn’t return with a bang or a whimper, but more of a sneer.
Our Top Five Favorite 2014 Family Films Dave Hearn, David Basile, Jessica Sowards, Sean Reid We Got Lists January 21, 2015 1 1So without further ado, here are our Top Five Favorite Family Films of 2014!
Arrow 3.09 “The Climb” Sean Reid ReviewsTV January 21, 2015 0Arrow returns this week after the events of "The Climb." Here’s a quick refresher on the midseason finale:
OUR TOP TEN FAVORITE 2014 GENRE TV SHOWS Alex Wolfe, Dave Hearn, Paul Brian McCoy, Sam Salama Cohén, Sean Reid, Thom V. Young We Got Lists January 14, 2015 0But before we get there, here's our alphabetical list of the Top Ten sci-fi, horror, and fantasy shows of 2014.
Our Top Five Favorite 2014 Animated TV Series Dave Hearn, Paul Brian McCoy, Sean Reid We Got Lists January 9, 2015 1Surprise! Just when you thought it was safe to go back online and avoid all those End of the Year...
The Second Day of Christmas: Gremlins (1984) Sean Reid Shot for Shot December 15, 2014 0 2It’s likely I tried to come up with a less embarrassing explanation rather than simply admitting that Gremlins scared the shit out of me.
Arrow 3.08 “The Brave and the Bold” Sean Reid ReviewsTV December 10, 2014 0Barry to Oliver, re: the Arrow: "That guy is a douche."
Arrow 3.07 “Draw Back Your Bow” Sean Reid ReviewsTV November 26, 2014 0I'm enjoying that this season is moving toward "this is how Oliver Queen become Green Arrow."
Arrow 3.06 “Guilty” Sean Reid ReviewsTV November 19, 2014 0Here's all you need to know about Arrow 3.06 "Guilty": BOXING GLOVE ARROW!
Arrow 3.05 “The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak” Sean Reid ReviewsTV November 12, 2014 0I think this might be one of my favorite episodes of the series so far.
Arrow 3.04 “The Magician” Sean Reid ReviewsTV November 5, 2014 1We’re only 4 episodes in to Arrow so there’s a lot more on the horizon, particularly given this show’s penchant for doing BIG season finales.
Arrow 3.03 “Corto Maltese” Sean Reid ReviewsTV October 29, 2014 3My suspicions are that this episode laid the groundwork for changes whose full impact won’t be realized until a few episodes down the line.
ABCs of Horror Day 27: V is for Vampires Sean Reid ABCs of HorrorMoviesReviews October 27, 2014 0Vampires are the shadow that we’d rather ignore, but without whom our identity is incomplete.
Arrow 3.02 “Sara” Sean Reid ReviewsTV October 22, 2014 0At the risk of being crass, if the writers of Arrow were hellbent on killing someone, I think they killed the wrong sister.