David Black: Carnies, Carnage, and the Creative Chaos of Darkness Visible Interviews March 7, 2017 223
iZombie 2.18 “Dead Beat” & 2.19 “Salivation Army” Jamie Gerber TV April 21, 2016 0If Liv’s relationship with Ravi is iZombie’s heart, then her relationship with Clive is the blood running through its veins.
iZombie 2.17 “Reflections of the Way Liv Used to Be” Jamie Gerber TV April 11, 2016 0Fortunately for us, iZombie has no throwaway characters.
iZombie 2.16 “Pour Some Sugar, Zombie” Jamie Gerber TV April 5, 2016 0Lying has become an established means of forward momentum for iZombie.
iZombie 2.15 “He Blinded Me… With Science” Jamie Gerber TV March 29, 2016 0A completely fresh take, unburdened by the typical tropes, iZombie is truly flourishing in its second season.
iZombie 2.14 “Eternal Sunshine of the Caffeinated Mind” Jamie Gerber ReviewsTV February 29, 2016 0iZombie has been moving at a breakneck pace all season, but the last couple episodes have gone to warp speed!
iZombie 2.13 “The Whopper” Jamie Gerber ReviewsTV February 22, 2016 0This week’s case showcased exactly how integral lying is to the forward momentum of iZombie.
iZombie 2.12 “Physician, Heal Thy Selfie” Jamie Gerber ReviewsTV February 15, 2016 0And just like that, iZombie brilliantly weaves that one case through the storylines of all its major characters.
iZombie 2.11 “Fifty Shades of Grey Matter” Jamie Gerber ReviewsTV February 8, 2016 0This week iZombie tied its storylines together with everyone’s favorite binding agent: sex.
iZombie 2.10 “Method Head” Jamie Gerber ReviewsTV January 18, 2016 0iZombie left us in a very dark place over the holidays.
iZombie 2.09 “Cape Town” Jamie Gerber ReviewsTV January 14, 2016 0Because Liv breaking up with Major to the dulcet tones of "White Christmas" wasn't enough of a gut punch for the mid-season finale, iZombie dropped its biggest bomb yet.
iZombie 2.08 “The Hurt Stalker” Jamie Gerber ReviewsTV December 30, 2015 0Throughout this episode of iZombie, Liv navigates the tricky waters of her own mind under the influence of Regina.
iZombie 2.07 “Abra Cadaver” Jamie Gerber ReviewsTV December 28, 2015 0This is a sort of return to form for iZombie, focusing on the case of the week rather than the larger story arc.
iZombie 2.06 “Max Wager” Jamie Gerber ReviewsTV December 10, 2015 0Not only are iZombie's villains extremely well developed, but they keep subverting our expectations as well.
iZombie 2.01 “Grumpy Old Liv” Jamie Gerber ReviewsTV November 3, 2015 0The iZombie Season 1 finale left us dangling off some pretty serious cliffs.
iZombie 1.10 “Mr. Berserk” Megan Homolka ReviewsTV May 26, 2015 1After a few faltering episodes, iZombie comes back strong with emotion, suspense and authenticity.
iZombie 1.09 “Patriot Brains” Megan Homolka ReviewsTV May 19, 2015 1All of the stories and characters are so intricate and unique – I hope that iZombie doesn't lose sight of that.
iZombie 1.08 “Dead Air” Megan Homolka ReviewsTV May 18, 2015 0 1All of the characters are dealing with such unique struggles, but those stories are interwoven so beautifully into iZombie.
iZombie 1.07 “Maternity Liv” Megan Homolka ReviewsTV May 17, 2015 1The inconsistencies are beginning to be noticeable as iZombie gets more episodes under its belt.
iZombie 1.06 “Virtual Reality Bites” Megan Homolka ReviewsTV May 13, 2015 1iZombie is consistently a fun show and I eagerly await the next episode!
iZombie 1.04 “Liv and Let Clive” Megan Homolka ReviewsTV May 1, 2015 1iZombie takes a step away from following our leading lady Liv’s story closely and instead looks at her relationships with other characters.