David Black: Carnies, Carnage, and the Creative Chaos of Darkness Visible Interviews March 7, 2017 223
The Leftovers 3.05-3.08 Shawn Hill TV June 26, 2017 0So what’s left behind is the love story, and it’s one that takes decades.
The Leftovers 3.02-3.04 Shawn Hill TV May 28, 2017 0I once thought Reverend Matt, Nora’s miserable brother, was the Job of this show. I was wrong. Everyone on the...
The Leftovers 3.01 “The Book of Kevin” Shawn Hill TV April 27, 2017 0On paper, The Leftovers, is the kind of show I would avoid like the plague.
2015 Top Ten Favorite TV Shows Adam Barraclough, Jamil Scalese, Jose San Mateo, Laura Akers, Paul Brian McCoy, Shawn Hill, Thom V. Young We Got Lists January 6, 2016 4We erred on the side of genre TV to bring you the Psycho Drive-In Top Ten Favorite TV Shows of 2015!
The Leftovers 2.10 “I Live Here Now” Shawn Hill ReviewsTV December 15, 2015 0How to begin talking about this episode of The Leftovers?
The Leftovers 2.09 “Ten Thirteen” Shawn Hill ReviewsTV December 6, 2015 0I've wondered since the start of The Leftovers what was in it for Liv Tyler.
The Leftovers 2.08 “International Assassin” Shawn Hill ReviewsTV November 29, 2015 0 1What follows is inevitable, poetic, biblical and tragic, all at once.
The Leftovers 2.07 “A Most Powerful Adversary” Shawn Hill ReviewsTV November 22, 2015 0Last week was cerebral, a battle of wills over convictions and beliefs. This week the ordeals are physical.
The Leftovers 2.06 “Lens” Shawn Hill ReviewsTV November 15, 2015 0It's a definitive moment for this season, in a show about impossible, infinite ambiguity.
The Leftovers 2.05 “No Room at the Inn” Shawn Hill ReviewsTV November 8, 2015 0I waited a week to watch this episode of The Leftovers. Not because I was busy, or had better things to do. Because I was scared.
The Leftovers 2.04 “Orange Sticker” Shawn Hill ReviewsTV November 1, 2015 0The pace doesn’t let up, as we circle back to Jarden, TX for this week's The Leftovers.
The Leftovers 2.03 “Off Ramp” Shawn Hill ReviewsTV October 25, 2015 0 1This week we get the third point of view on the events that set the stage for this season of The Leftovers.
The Leftovers 2.02 “A Matter of Geography” Shawn Hill ReviewsTV October 18, 2015 0 4This is a mirror image of the first episode of The Leftovers.
The Leftovers 2.01 “Axis Mundi” Shawn Hill ReviewsTV October 10, 2015 0In The Leftovers, things are just as screwed up in Texas as they were up north, just in different and peculiar ways.
The Leftovers 1.10 “The Prodigal Son Returns” Shawn Hill ReviewsTV September 15, 2014 0How did they know how to be so precise? The stolen photos couldn't have told so much, but that doesn't matter as much as how devastating the gestures become.
The Leftovers 1.07 “Solace for Tired Feet” Shawn Hill ReviewsTV August 18, 2014 0What destructive hijinks will the teens get up to next?
The Leftovers 1.06 “Guest” Shawn Hill ReviewsTV August 9, 2014 0Those two crazy divorcees. Haven’t hey earned some happiness?
The Leftovers 1.05 “Gladys” Shawn Hill ReviewsTV August 2, 2014 0The suffering on this show can seem non-stop.
The Leftovers 1.04 “B.J. and the A.C.” Shawn Hill ReviewsTV July 27, 2014 0So yeah, we get it: symbols are plastic and meaningless.
The Leftovers 1.03 “Two Boats and a Helicopter” Shawn Hill ReviewsTV July 20, 2014 0Basically, Christopher Eccleston was given the ball and he ran with it all over the field.