Within days of one another, the world was treated to new trailers for both Captain America: Civil War and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice! How did they look to the Drive-In Psychos? Let’s find out!
But first… the trailers!
In the first trailer we saw Batman meeting Superman. In this one we get to see Bruce Wayne meet Clark Kent, which is quite a different meeting. It’s actually a decent scene. Bruce showing Batman’s paranoia while Superman espouses negatively about Gotham supporting a vigilante hero. Clark feeling like he must restrain himself to the law because he has few limits. Bruce feeling he must go above the law because it has limits. What a powerful juxtaposition. A superman that restrains himself, an ordinary man that reaches beyond his restraints.
What could you add to this scene? How about Lex Luthor as a T.G.I. Friday’s waitress? Well, that makes perfect sense to me. No, seriously. Lex Luthor, one of the most prominent villains in the DCU is portrayed as a total yuppie in this trailer. Gee, I can’t wait to see his evil Machiavellian scheme. I’m sure it will be super original.
So we see that Superman has come to be seen as a God, by Luthor if not the general public. Perhaps Superman has gotten a bit too big for his tights and Batman is going to take him down to size. Good enough. Not great, but acceptable—Wait, there’s more? Apparently Luthor has manipulated the fight between the titular heroes in the hopes that Batman will kill Superman. Did I say he was a yuppie? I meant to say dumbass. Also thanks for spoiling that plot point trailer. Also did we really need ANOTHER plot? This movie is going to be convoluted enough.
But wait, there’s more. Hold onto your butts cause this one’s a screamer!
Zod is back. Let me pause a moment as I resist the urge to facepalm. Superman killing Zod in Man of Steel is probably the most debated moment in a comic book movie. His killing Zod meant something. Superman felt the only way to stop the threat of Zod was to literally stop him cold. And now that’s moot because they brought him back. This makes death pointless. Worse, this breaks the realistic tone of the universe. Who cares if someone dies in the movie since we have resurrection technology apparently?
On top of that Doomsday is a major villain. He’s the guy that basically beat Superman to death. He should be the Justice League villain. Oh, sorry. I forgot this was the Justice League prelude movie since Wonder Woman is in this too. And watching the trailer a second time for this review, I have to admit Zod really does look like a crappy version of Abomination. If only they could make him look distinct. Like in the comics!!!
Finally, and another online reviewer brought this up, but after Doom-Zod’s heat vision wipes out several city blocks Superman pauses to pass a trailer line with Batman. Because that’s super dark and gritty and realistic isn’t it?? Surely Batman or Superman wouldn’t care about the property damage or possible people killed. Why would they, the hot girl finally showed up.
Conclusions: DC wants to be different but it also wants to be Marvel, giving the trailer a very confusing vibe. There are so many plotlines intertwining that I can’t imagine Batman or Luthor getting any character development. Bringing Zod back is the the lamest deus ex machina ever, unless Wonder Woman literally jumps into the movie at the end. I see her getting less character building then anyone.
And finally, we didn’t need to know about Zod yet. That could have been a passable ‘oh shit’ reveal if we saw that in the theaters, but instead it just feels like DC is desperate and they are throwing as much at us as they can to ensure we stay interested. If Batman fighting Superman isn’t enough to hold people’s attention, then your movie may be in trouble.
— Brooke Brewer
Captain America: Civil War – Eh, I don’t know about this… Whoa! Black Panther!
Batman v Superman – I don’t really know about this… But everyone’s so pretty!
— Ben Goldman
Before I say anything about the Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice and Captain America: Civil War trailers, I have to confess I am a DC boy first and foremost. Superman, Batman, The Flash, heck, the entire Justice League of America, I love all those superheroes. As a fan of DC, I want them to take the cinematic world by storm and put out a slate of hits that will help introduce the characters I care about to a whole new audience. I want all their movies to be blockbusters. But, after seeing the two trailers, I am afraid that all Dawn of Justice can do is be prepared to come in second. Civil War looks like it is going to be the superior film.
As I said, I want DC’s cinematic world to be a success, and they are certainly going to give it their best shot with Dawn of Justice. DC has me excited to see this movie, but Marvel has me invested in seeing Civil War. No matter what DC does, I suspect they will just be playing catch-up to Marvel. They are throwing everything they can on the screen at this point, but Marvel has been building their universe, slowly and steadily, for close to a decade. They have crafted it magnificently and I have come to care about the characters in their movies.
Both trailers present some incredible, jaw dropping scenes, and they both look like they will deliver on the action, but there is one thing the Civil War trailer has that Dawn of Justice lacks. It is the gut punch, that moment on screen when you know there is more at stake than just a fight to see which hero will come out on top. For me, it’s Tony’ reply to Cap’s line regarding Bucky, “You know I wouldn’t do this if I had any other choice, but he’s my friend.”: “So was I.” We’ve seen these men fight side by side and while they haven’t always seen eye to eye, there is a respect and admiration between them. I see a real friendship on the line and I suspect that no matter who wins, both men are going to lose. As for Batman and Superman, I am just seeing two guys in costumes trying to kick one another’s ass.
Captain America and Iron Man going at it hits me like a ton of bricks. There is a sense of loyalty tested, of friendship lost and acts of betrayal that there may be no coming back from. On the other hand, I see Superman and Batman having at it and I wonder, “Why are they both being major jackholes?” With that said, DC has a long way to go in reaching the level Marvel is at now. As a DC boy, I hope they will get there one day, but they won’t do it with this movie.
— Dan Johnson
The Captain America: Civil War trailer shows us quite a bit but still leaves us wanting more. It also shows how this isn’t Avengers 3 and really is Captain America 3 as it appears we’ll be seeing the Civil War from his perspective and not from a distant overall view, which I think will be quite interesting and also allow the film to have Steve Rogers’ heart and soul remain at its core. This is one of the most anticipated films on my 2016 list!
Unlike the Civil War trailer, I feel the Batman v Superman trailer has basically shown the entire film to us, which is most unfortunate. It’s no secret I didn’t enjoy Man of Steel and the tone of that film is my biggest issue. That doesn’t seem to have changed for this film, which doesn’t bode well for me. However, I think Affleck will be an amazing Batman, so there is hope. However, showing us that Doomsday is the ultimate villain of the film is a major misstep with this trailer. Plus, it’s Doomsday, who isn’t a character but honestly a marketing gimmick from the 1990s to help sell comic books.
I’ll most likely see it, but I’m more excited about the Wonder Woman solo film set during World War I and the Affleck-directed Batman solo film than I am this film, which I never thought I’d say. I don’t understand how DC completely nails it on TV (seriously, you NEED to be watching The Flash) and through animation but can’t get it together for their new live-action universe.
— Kevin Pauley