Yesterday, the first trailer for Hugh Jackman’s last go-around as Wolverine hit and it has a little bit of everything – especially questions about X-Men movie continuity! Here’s the trailer for LOGAN, in case you were hiding under a rock.
And here’s the “International Red Band” trailer with ONE WHOLE EXTRA CLIP!
And here’s what the Psycho Drive-In All-Stars had to say about it!
Logan is back and cosplaying as Mel Gibson in this film that should have the words “cash in” somewhere in the title. It’s the future because that’s how you do a new story without entangling your Gordian knot of a universe even further. That and Old Man Logan has recognition value. Going off the trailer it seems to have exactly none of the elements that made Old Man Logan popular, but to be fair that didn’t stop Age of Ultron from being made either.
And what a trailer it is. Logan must embark on a buddy road trip movie with Professor X (who somehow has hair. What?) As they search for a good movie a little girl with Wolverine’s powers. I guess she’s the last mutant on earth. I mean besides Logan and Professor X. And the villains who, I admittedly don’t know are mutants, but would bet on it. That or augmented humans or some shit.
So to recap, we have gruff Wolverine who must protect a girl to redeem himself from some presumed but ultimately unfounded or otherwise past sin, all the while suffering from his power failing because he has to be depowered to make the movie plausible! mean, because he’s old now for some reason. Also is it me or did Professor X actually age less than Logan?
Okay, alright. Maybe he’s aging hard because his powers are failing. Fair enough. This is still grumpy Wolverine has to play protector against overwhelming odds blah- blah-blah. This is such an obvious retread. Also, so glad they sent him back in time to save mutants from the sentinels. This is the best fuck-over retcon since the orphanage being sold in Blues Brother’s 2000.
— Brooke Brewer
I woke up today to the new trailer for Logan, Hugh Jackman’s final outing as Wolverine. I don’t think I blinked. Every trailer should play Johnny Cash music, period. It’s been on my mind all day. At first, my excitement level went through the roof. It looks entirely different than any previous incarnation of Wolverine. He’s old, haggard, and looks like he isn’t healing like he used to. Professor X is making (what appears to be) a lengthy appearance and looks equally worse for wear. The world itself is not the one we left when the future was saved in Days of Future Past, “mutants… they’re gone now” growls Logan. We are getting something different and I’m excited.
Alas, “we are getting something different” is already beginning to mess with the taste of those “member berries” and the fanboys won’t be happy. Relax, people it’s only a two-minute teaser. I know you wanna see the claws more, and know the entire plot and cast list yesterday. And, most important, I know it’s putting the destiny of Wolverine into question given Hugh Jackman’s inability to stay as shredded as he has been, going into his fifties. But what’s so wrong with being hopeful?
Wolverine’s movies have been getting steadily better, we are getting a returning director to the franchise and thanks to the Merc with a Mouth, Deadpool, we are getting an “R” rated comic book movie. A distinction long overdue for a character whose main means of combat, are indestructible, retractable claws. This could also explain why the trailer was light on action and adamantium. However, there is a red band trailer and save from a couple of frames, it’s identical, but what a couple of frames! March cannot get here soon enough!
— Raul Reyes
The “Logan” trailer is irrefutable proof that anything — and I actually mean anything — can be heartwrenchingly riveting as long as Johnny Cash’s version of “Hurt” is played in the background.
Watching it, I found myself drawn in, wanting to simultaneously cry and maybe go hang myself by how the trailer sucked me into this strange, fascinating world of beards and deathly ill Patrick Stewarts. Clearly, nothing could be more crushing than this seemingly empty and kind of baffling glimpse into the heart of a Logan who managed to age twenty years in twenty years, despite being over one-hundred when the franchise started.
Can anyone tell me anything about this? Who’s the villain? ‘Cause he looks like a guy with sunglasses to me. There’s a little girl too. Is it X-23? Maybe, I guess. I could work with that, even though it’s rather unlikely that Weapon X was around to make her (since they are now dead in any Fox timeline you so decide to favor). What’s going on? Why is Professor X still alive when he’s so old? Why isn’t he with the X-Men? What happened to the X-Men, I thought the point of Days of Future Past was to save them all, right?
I mean, I dunno. I’m sure they’ll have an explanation of some sort in the movie and I’m not really here to complain about the timeline. I’m here to ask you to play this trailer on mute and see if it has any impact on you whatsoever — because I actually tried that, and my reaction was “Hey, pretty cool beard.”
— Alex Wolfe