Well, that was interesting. Turns out our two Big Bads were also only Little Bads after all. Kai and Cade are both defeated this episode, with various abrupt machinations and unexpected dream sequences along the astral plane, but the upshot is our intrepid group of vamps and their lovers get their way with few consequences once again.
The worst part is that Stefan and Caroline pledge their love yet again, and that wedding they’ve been mentioning and avoiding all season gets put back on the docket. No thanks, I was rooting for Stefan dead and Caroline with Alaric. That can’t happen now because at last because Kai is trapped in an all new pocket world and Cade is inexplicably destroyed with the bone dagger or whatever it was.
The question is, how did Stefan get to the psychic plane to wield it? Because that seemed to be where Bonnie and Cade were battling over Damon’s soul, some weird gray area of Mystic Falls that wasn’t quite real. It didn’t make a lot of sense. Was Stefan near death? He had some psychic powers as a vamp, but he’s human now, right?
Kai’s creepy search for the girl witches made a little more sense, because he’s horrible and a serial killer and he does a very good stalker film as he tries to take them out with an axe. Sadly for him, though he knows how to absorb power from the mystic walls of the Armory, he doesn’t know all of its tricks, not as well as Alaric and the girls do, and they lead him to an ambush. He’s quickly defeated, and then consigned to a karaoke bar playing one horrible song endlessly (retribution for his hilarious karaoke turn last week). This should be Bonnie’s victory dance, only he tries one last taunt that kind of ruins it.
Because though Cade is gone, hell’s still there, and somebody else has to run it. Now, who do we know that was carted off to hell so surprisingly a few seasons back, someone who never wanted her long abusive life to end in misery?
Yep, turns out the biggest bad of all is Elena. Or Katherine. Hell, bring back all the doppelgangers. One or the other is going to be back to close out the last two episodes of the series, and depending on who you ask, she’s the Baddest Bitch of all.