David Black: Carnies, Carnage, and the Creative Chaos of Darkness Visible Interviews March 7, 2017 223
Easter Zombie Movie Marathon 2019 Round-up Paul Brian McCoy Zombies 101 April 24, 2019 0Don’t want to go searching through the site for all the Easter Zombie Movie Marathon reviews for this year? You’re in luck!
EZMM 2019 Day 9.1: Cargo (2018) Paul Brian McCoy Zombies 101 April 23, 2019 0Cargo helped to elevate the marathon above the standard zombie fare, and that’s really what makes this annual event worth it.
EZMM 2019 Day 8.1: Outpost (2008) Paul Brian McCoy Zombies 101 April 22, 2019 0After watching Overlord, I realized that we’d never watched Outpost for an Easter Zombie Movie Marathon.
EZMM 2019 Day 7.2: Overlord (2018) Paul Brian McCoy Zombies 101 April 21, 2019 0Overlord is a solid entry in the zombie canon, with strong performances, spectacular effects and more than a few good gore gross-outs.
EZMM 2019 Day 7.1: Black Summer Episodes 1.06, 1.07, 1.08 Paul Brian McCoy Zombies 101 April 21, 2019 0I almost don’t want a second season at this point. I’m perfectly happy with Black Summer standing alone as a 4 hour and 40 minute long zombie epic.
EZMM 2019 Day 6.1: Ravenous (Les Affames) 2017 Paul Brian McCoy Zombies 101 April 20, 2019 0 4Ravenous is easily the best film we’ve seen this year so far, and ranks as one of the strongest entries in eleven years of the marathon.
EZMM 2019 Day 5.2: Kingdom Episode 1.06 Paul Brian McCoy Zombies 101 April 19, 2019 0The first season finale of Kingdom was pretty much up to the standard of each episode so far.
EZMM 2019 Day 5.1: Locked Away (2006-2017) Paul Brian McCoy Zombies 101 April 19, 2019 0 2Locked Away is a film that aspiring low/no budget horror filmmakers should probably put on their watch list.
EZMM 2019 Day 4.2: Kingdom Episode 1.05 Paul Brian McCoy Zombies 101 April 18, 2019 0This episode was a bit of a return to the slow burn of the opening chapters but does a good job maintaining and building tension while also laying out new mysteries to unravel.
EZMM 2019 Day 4.1: The Rezort (2015) Paul Brian McCoy Zombies 101 April 18, 2019 0 1Overall, The Rezort isn’t a horrible way to spend your evening.
EZMM 2019 Day 3.2: Black Summer Episode 1.05 Paul Brian McCoy Zombies 101 April 17, 2019 1After three straight low-dialogue episodes, Black Summer slows down a little to let us catch up with everybody.
EZMM 2019 Day 3.1: Kingdom Episodes 1.03 & 1.04 Paul Brian McCoy Zombies 101 April 17, 2019 0The way Kingdom leans into the different threats during the days and nights is really one of its main strengths.
EZMM 2019 Day 2.2: Black Summer Episodes 1.03 & 1.04 Paul Brian McCoy Zombies 101 April 16, 2019 0Really, this episode perfectly captures what I’m digging most about Black Summer.
EZMM 2019 Day 2.1: Kingdom Episodes 1.01 & 1.02 Paul Brian McCoy Zombies 101 April 16, 2019 1The first episode is a bit of a slow burn, but the series director, Kim Seong-hun, has a beautiful eye and every shot of Kingdom is gorgeous.
EZMM 2019 Day 1: Black Summer 1.01 & 1.02 Paul Brian McCoy Zombies 101 April 15, 2019 1Black Summer isn’t about the emotional impact of watching someone you’ve grown to like or love suddenly turn into a monster.