This week we deal with one of my problems from last week immediately, as Rebekah is taken to get new period-appropriate clothes, and must come to terms with everyone dressing like whores (she’s fine with it) and modern music (it sucks) since she was last awake during Prohibition. She may have missed out on rock-and-roll, but embracing the fashion trends post Sexual Revolution makes sense, as the 1920s were when the stultifying rules of the 19th century regarding women and so many other things began to finally dissolve. Thanks for at least hand waving the concept of culture shock away, show.
Instead, this week, we gather that Rebekah is more or less used to being “killed” whenever Klaus feels like it, as he keeps a lot of the family on ice. He’s a petty tyrant. Well, maybe they’re not all such great shakes either, but at least his sister seems a little more fun-loving. At first. He did tell Stefan she was crazy.

Which, wth?, doesn’t work. Apparently Bill has trained himself, using just human willpower, to resist vampire control. Told you he was a badass. This leaves Damon, who’s cranky enough this week to have already killed Alaric (after checking that he was wearing his revival ring), with no choice but to feed on the big creep … which is when Caroline springs to the rescue and uses those vampire stealth super-speed and strength powers to rescue her daddy.

Damon’s cranky because everyone is getting on his case about getting closer to Elena, who … oh, she’s totally the most boring part of the show this week, because Katherine is still hanging around Chicago. And lucky for Stefan she is, because witch Gloria wants the Macguffin/necklace that Rebekah lost so long ago, and that Stefan found and gave to Elena so recently, and she’ll do whatever it takes to get it, including getting all medieval on Stefan’s ass with knives and giant metal vein-opening staples. Girlfriend is serious as hell about this.

More hints drop about whomever it might be that’s chasing Originals, but unfortunately for Stefan his nosiness on the subject puts him back exactly where he doesn’t want to be for next week. And Alaric demands a place on the Founder’s council, in order to represent the humans (since Carol’s son is a werewolf and the Sherriff’s daughter is a vamp, it only makes sense). And Jeremy is trying to choose between witch girlfriend Bonnie and ghost girlfriend Anna, who saves him from a mystic flame-broiling thanks to witch Gloria. All questions, no answers, which means things are about to get rockier than ever in Mystic Falls.
So, let’s tally up: one gratuitous torture scene, two last minute rescues, at least five murders (one only temporary), several potential betrayals … are we in mid-season already?